Thank you all for your prayers for me over this past week. We have been able to work at killing off some active Lyme this week, and think some of the bio-film surrounding the bacteria may have been opened up! So that is a good thing, but it has just put a lot of stress on my heart. It is like I am having an allergic reaction to all the bacteria right now, and so I have been very sick this week, hardly able to get out of bed at some points, with severe chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness, exhaustion, etc. I am being monitored pretty carefully, and have been able to receive excellent treatment and care this week. I was dehydrated yesterday and needing IV fluids, so I spent the afternoon at the clinic, returning home late last evening so exhausted.
Look what I found on my nightstand when I returned! My youngest brother and sister, Justin and Caroline, found a little honey pot we haven't used in awhile, and left it with this note:
They stuffed it full of notes of encouragement, Scriptures, and love notes...wasn't that sweet of them? I have the BEST family, and I am so thankful for them!
Aren't they cute?
And then the other evening, right at dinner time, my brother Luke dropped everything he was doing to drive 40 minutes each way to pick up some much needed supplements for my heart. He even stopped to buy me flowers on the way home! So thankful for this amazing brother of mine...he is such a strength and blessing to me!
Thank You, Father, for the amazing family and friends You have blessed me with! I can't imagine trying to go through this without the amazing support system God has raised up for me. He is so faithful!
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers...the battle is still raging, and hasn't let up much yet, but I am just spending lots of time resting, and trying to keep my eyes fixed on the One who can calm my every storm. Please pray that I would be able to fully trust in Him, even when I can't understand what is going on. It is hard to focus or think straight or even pray when things are so intense physically, and it means so much to know there are many others lifting up my arms and fighting for me when I am so weak.
Also lifting up in prayer my dear friends who are fighting an incredible battle as my precious friend, Monica, who has been suffering for years with Lyme disease, and yet has encouraged me more than I can say. Her love for our Savior, her faith and trust and hope inspire me to never give up. If you are a coffee drinker, consider buying her amazing coffee (which helps her raise money for treatments!)
Be blessed, my dear friends, and know how much you are loved and appreciated!