Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I have been thinking recently about how long it's been since I've posted...and wanting to give you all an update.

In one way, time has flown by, and I am having a hard time believing it is April already! Yet in another way, it feels like I have been married longer than three months. It has been such a natural, wonderful transition.

I used to wonder if married life was really as good as I imagined...used to wonder about those beautiful betrothal stories I heard. What about life after the wedding? Is it still just as good? I looked around at many friends who have done things this way and have seen beautiful fruit from their relationship. Yet I still wondered...

Every day, I am in awe and amazed at what my Heavenly Father has done in my life. I am so extremely happy with Tyler, so loved, so secure, so blessed by the unconditional love my beloved has for me. It has helped me catch a deeper glimpse of Father God's unfailing, unchanging love. Each day, I fall deeper in love with Tyler, and yet I keep wondering how that can happen! It feels impossible to love him any more than I do, yet with each passing day, I find our love goes a little deeper, a little farther. I believe that since both of us had to wait quite a while before finding each other, that we both have a depth of appreciation and awe in our relationship borne out of that waiting period.

To all of you who prayed me to this point...thank you. Thank you for standing with me, for praying for me, for encouraging me to not give up. I am finding that even now, I have to remind myself to keep trusting in the unfailing love and goodness of our Father. I am still dealing with very challenging health issues on a daily basis, and too often I give in to tears, overwhelmed by pain or exhaustion or disappointment. Yet I know whom I have believed, and I know He has my future in His hands! So many things I can't understand, yet I know He knows. There were many dark, low times last year when it felt like I was forgotten, left behind...yet in the midst of that, the Father was working and weaving a beautiful story in my life. I can see some of that now, and it encourages me to keep holding on, keep pressing in, keep trusting. 

Tyler and I have been in Canada for the past 7 weeks, visiting with his family, and trying to wrap up some business. I have really enjoyed the change of scenery, as there was lots of snow on the ground most of the time we were here! Much of it is gone now, and I am hearing reports of 70 degree weather in TN, so I guess Spring has come :-)

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at Family week!

We don't have access to a computer that will support downloading all the pictures from our wedding, but here are a few for now :-)

Be encouraged and reminded, each of you, of just how much your Heavenly Father loves you. 

Much love,


  1. Thank you, Abby, for this wonderful testimony of the Father's love and faithfulness. You are such an encouragement and blessing.

    Thank you for the update! I think about you a lot, and I'd been wondering how you were doing. So I was really excited when I saw that you had updated. :) I am so glad to hear how happy you both are. You both make such a beautiful couple!! :)

    Much love,

  2. Ditto what Lea said :). Thanks for posting—reading this brought a smile to my face. It's always good to hear how GOOD the heavenly Father is. Thank you for testifying to that through this.

  3. Dear Mrs. Falk, thank you for sharing an update! I have prayed for you often and was hoping you would have time to post an update soon! What an amazing testimony of the Father's faithfulness in your lives! You are glowing in both of the photos - we cannot wait to see more! May YHWH continue to richly bless your lives as you seek wholeheartedly after Him. You are such an inspiration! Sincerely, Jordan
